Don't Panic, Know Who You Are.

During my postpartum depression, one of my symptoms was panic attacks. I was having them and they sucked. Uncontrollable shaking and having an intense fear of dying was torture. And that was only a little bit of what I was dealing with...

Things begin to change though when I started seeking God and reading His word. My second to last panic attack I felt what I call "the bomb" hit me. I came up with this term because that's exactly what it felt like when a panic attack would start. One moment I was fine, then all the sudden the WORST fear would come over me so much to the point my body would be shaking, even in places I didn't know could shake. Fear can be paralyzing. But God, BUT GOD! <3

I then spoke to it. I said "spirit of panic and insanity, I command you to leave in Jesus name!" Ya'll, I kid you not...I felt something come OFF of me. My body stopped shaking, and I know I was fine. Peace returned to me. At this point I had many panic attacks and they normally lasted about 10-15 minutes. But this one just stopped right after I said that?? Like, I was shocked.

I did this because the Word says that Jesus is our peace and I had read about demons and sicknesses leaving because the name of Jesus. So I was going to give it a shot. I had a bad feeling like "the bomb" was about to hit me again a couple of weeks later. And I did the same thing.

Guess what...It left and went away. That was my LAST time dealing with it. This was just the beginning of what God was showing me...

Feeling scared? Depressed? Anxiety? Angry?

Okay, no worries. Take it to God. Open the Word and speak it out to whatever you're feeling! The Bible says the Word of God is actually our sword (Ephesians 6:11-17) That's how we fight the good fight of faith, it's with God's Word! And of course, worship. Worshiping God provokes His presence. It's speaking the truth of who God is in a way to adore Him. FYI-when God steps in, depression, anger, fear, all that has to leave.

Let me know your questions or anything else you'd like to hear by commenting below, or, DM me on my socials! I love ya'll. Keep your head up, focus on God, and don't give up. There is too much value in you to give up. Don't you do it.



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