Have a Better Day-Everyday!

Have a Better Day-Everyday!

Having a better day, everyday, isn't going to be because you're finally getting what you wanted out of life. It isn't going to be because no one is making you mad or all the lights on your way to work are green. No. That's a fantasy, at best. Life is life, and things happen. If you're really ready to start enjoying your days more, keep reading.

Having a better day everyday is going to take a consistent effort on your end to take hold of God's Word and walking it out. Walking out everything He has promised you, asked of you, and revealed to you. At this point, maybe it's a good time to do a heart check. Ask yourself "Am I really grabbing hold of God's Word, and doing my best to live it, to BE it?" Take some time and even write down your answer. We will go more in depth on this later.

 For now, I wanted to share one of the keys that has helped me in my journey of living a life of peace, joy, and purpose. It's simple, I start my day with God. I know it can be tempting to sleep in as much as possible. I get it, trust me. I'm a full-time wife, mommy, and business owner.

Time runs tight-I get it. However, we can't afford to skip our time with God. He is too amazing, full, and our source of life itself. He is the best place to start, each day. If you wake up at 5 AM or at 5 PM, at your start-do it with Him. This positions you for the rest of your day. You go from rushing into all the crazy things in life to walking in strength, peace, and clarity. Thus, making better decisions, having less anxiety, and actually enjoying the life God has for you. Anxiety is something else we will talk about another time, by the way.

When you come to spend time with Him, just make sure your heart is with Him. When you come, get still and push all the things you need to do, out of the way. Choose to focus only on Him during this time. In doing this, you actually connect to Him. This connection is so powerful. It's like plugging in a cord to an outlet, it's useless until its plugged into the power source. God is our power source that we get to plug into-as much as we want! Isn't that exciting?!

So here are 3 time management tips I use to help:

  • Analyze what you do and how you spend your time, this way you can cut out unnecessary stuff that is time wasting and focus on what is really important to you. Social media is a BIG one to watch out for. 1 hour on that watching other people versus 1 hour you could spend meal prepping so you can save time preparing dinner for the week. Seems like a no brainier but it does happen-I'm speaking from experience (lol).
  • Go to bed earlier, so you can wake up early enough and give yourself the time you need to connect with Him. Setting up a schedule can be very helpful in this.
  • Make small adjustments-especially at first. It takes some time building new habits. Be patient with yourself but be consistent! Soon enough, waking up an extra 10 minutes earlier will be easy. Then move to 15 minutes. Little by little.

If you want to go more in-depth on this, get on our email list so I can send stuff to you about it. Anyway, I love you! I hope this was helpful in having a better day, and if you want to give me feed back shoot me and email or head to the Facebook page by clicking the icon at the bottom of this page. Leave me comments, I will respond :)



-Daisy Spencer





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